The Project Learning vs Crisis

The LEARNING Vs CRISIS Project will establish a EU network among key actors in the educational-learning domain for disadvantaged persons. It is composed by 10 partners, such as no-profit cultural associations, EU learning & educational providers, Universities and Cities. This established network aims at developing practical non-formal courses, targeted to  people at risk of social marginalisation, as well as at the production of specific best practices, accessible to all. The best practices will propose practical solutions to support EU citizens coming from vulnerable social contexts. The courses will contain series of actions and tools to optimize the existing resources and to exchange processes. 


The “LEARNING vs CRISIS” project aims at developing a practical non-formal course that will propose practical solutions to support EU citizens during the European Crisis Time.
The course is targeted to people at risk of social marginalization or people and families that with always more difficulties are engaged in the most difficult economical and social crisis that Europe ever seen.

The Project will therefore support local administrations and educational centers in their daily management of the EU socio-economic crisis. The main objective is to add value to the cultural and social diversity within Europe and to spread the contents of the “best practice course” via different social networking sites and the “word of mouth”. 

Open source

The course will be "free and open source",  in order to assure a wide spread of the project results to all kind of structures and organizations, such as schools, associations, municipalities, governmental institutions and EU citizens.

The “best practice course contents” will be integrated into our public website which will, in the next months, also host a video biographies’ section, where people will explain their specific methodologies or contrivance adopted to save resources. 

European Commission

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

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