Playing, Having FunPlaying, Having Fun

SCC course: Experiences and Harmony - Walking in Nature

Walking in forest - Salli's diary

Elina Kokkoniemi piti Sastamalan Opistossa syksyn 2014 aikana Elämyksiä ja rauhaa luonnossa kävellen -kurssin. Kurssin aikana tehtiin kävelyretkiä viiteen eri luonokohteeseen ja keskityttiin luontosuhteen syventämiseen sekä tietoisuustaitojen harjoittamiseen. Kurssilaiset kokosivat kokemuksensa yhteen kukin omalla tavallaan – päiväkirjojaksi, valokuviksi, runoksi, aforismeiksi, maalaukseksi ja tanssiksi.


"Who am I?" - Rules of the game

Who am I

"Who Am I" is a game that involves at least two people asking questions to guess what character, person, or animal they've been labelled with.


"Absolutely English" - Rules of the game

"Absolutely English" is a parlour game for German learners of English for improving their language skills.
The learners really enjoy this game, so we have already played it quite often.

Read more and find the rules of the game:


Doily Heart Stencil T-Shirts

I saw this Valentine's Day kids craft idea last year in Family Fun magazine, but we didn't get around to it in time.  That turned out for the best though because this year the girls had an opportunity to do it with their grandmother, and now they all have coordinating shirts they can wear together on Valentine's Day. 


Having Fun & Playing It Safe

Many UT students like to go out with friends and have a good time. For some, this may involve alcohol. While most students drink in moderation, sometimes having a great time with friends may turn into a situation involving hangovers, memory loss, physical and sexual violence, and an assortment of preventable negative consequences related to high-risk alcoholic drinking and drug use.