Föreningen Aktiva Södertälje

The union (föreningen) of Aktiva Södertälje is a non governmental organization in a disadvantaged area
with the focus on enabling immigrants and other people to realize their full potential
and fulfill their aspirations through the promotion of health activities and other social activities as language learning and
empowerment actions. We started the organization for two years ago to encourage adults
to learn through “learning by doing”, and offer a meeting point where everyone
could come and learn or help others which meant for example how to stay in a better health or other subjects that have a close connection with daily life and with their key competencies. Nowadays the focus is also on how to use ICT and new technologies to have a healthy and active ageing. Every year the union does a plan about
how to share knowledge and information, and this year we have the focus on
learning how to use new technologies, social media as facebook 
through intergenerational activities and by offering individual SMART-plan and how to learn more about Europe.