Emotions Emotions

Quotations specifically regarding joy / happiness from E. Tolle: A New Earth

First, a number of quotations specifically regarding joy / happiness from E. Tolle:  A New Earth - the Danish 2nd edition, first edition 2006.

Page 31: "The faster you associate verbal or mental labels to things, people or situations the more shallow and lifeless your reality will appear to you, and the more boring your reality becomes in the miracle of life, as constant unfolding in and around you. In this way, you will certainly be wiser; but wisdom is lost, and the same is true joy, love, creativity and life."   

Page 34: "Some will never forget the first time they broke the identification with their thoughts and thus briefly experienced the change of identity to the consciousness of the mind in the background. For others, it happens so quietly that they barely notice it, or they notice just an inflowing joy or peace, without knowing the reason. " 

Page 109: "The degree of identification with the thoughts of the mind varies from person to person. Some people in periods, no matter how short, are happy to be to be free of it, and the peace, joy and the life they experience in these moments make life worth living."

Page 162: "Only the ones who oppose or reject what is happening, is bound to the situation, and so becomes determined by the world to whether you are happy."is in the moment of now seen as a" problem ", creates you to live in a world of trouble, all of which must be resolved before you can be happy, joyful or really start living - or you think so. The problem is that for each problem solved a second opens up. "

Page 170: "You are present when what you do is no longer not primary a way of achieving something (money, prestige, winnings) but satisfying in itself when there is joy and life in what you're doing." 

Page 172: "The joy of being which is the only true happiness, can not come to you through any form, i.e. through any possession, performance, person or event - not through any occasion. That joy cannot come to you - ever. It originates from within the formless dimension of you, from the consciousness itself, and thus it is one with who you are. " Page 182: "Because you are not burdened by thoughts, you can get a glimpse of the joy and happiness of being."

Page 187: "Many poets and wise men throughout the ages have observed that true happiness - I call it the joy of being - is to be found in simple, seemingly insignificant things. Most people get restless in search of meaningful experiences and just pass the ‘insignificant perhaps not at all insignificant’. The philosopher Nietzsche wrote in a rare moment of deep peace: "In order to achieve happiness, how little there is to do! ... Exactly the tiniest things, the gentlest, lightest, a lizard rustling, a breath, a breath of air, a glance - the small creates the greatest joy. Be quiet." 

Page 201: "If you become aware of these short intervals (between the thoughts) when they occur naturally, they become longer, and when they do, you will more frequently experience the joy it is to sense with little or no interference from the thoughts. The world around you will feel fresh, new and alive. The more you perceive life through a filter of mental abstractions and concepts, the more lifeless and flat, the world around you will appear to you. " 

Page 231: "The quality of alert action is acceptance, joy and enthusiasm." And "When you cannot be glad at what you do, you can at least accept that this is what you have to do ..."and," If you neither can appreciate or accept what you do - so stop it." 

Page 232: "The peace that accompanies the act of commitment becomes a kind of vitality when you actually rejoice what you do. Joy is another quality of deliberate action. On the new earth will happy replace requirements as the force that motivates human actions. Claims arising from the ego's notions on that you are a separate part that is cut off from the source behind all creation. Through joy you tie yourself to the universal creative source. When you focus at the moment neither the past nor the future of your life your ability to enjoy what you do increases - and thus your quality of life - dramatically. Happiness is the dynamic aspect of being. When creative source of the universe becomes aware of itself, it manifests as joy or happiness. 

Page 234: "Being happy with what you are doing, combined with a goal or a vision that you are working towards, becomes enthusiasm."

Page 180 of A New Earth: "When you are no longer identified with forms, becomes consciousness - who you are - freed from his captivity in forms. This freedom means that you feel plenty of space within. It appears as a silence, a subtle peace deep inside you, even when you're faced with something that appears as bad. This too will go away. Suddenly there is space around the event."

And then there's this one:" I am never upset for the reason I think "- p. 182

Finally, a few spread quotes: 

Page 21: "One does not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the good that already exists within and let it come out." –

Page 42: "Life will give us the experiences that is most beneficial to our development of consciousness. "

And:" the ego is not wrong; it's just unconscious. "

And page 53:" The ultimate truth, of who you are, is not, Mr. this or Mrs. that, but I am.  

Page 60: "Forgiveness happens by itself when you see that ‘bearing resentment against somebody’ has the only purpose to strengthen a false sense of self, to keep the ego in place."

Page 90: "To love is to recognize yourself in another."

Page 98 "In order to put an end to the misery that let the man’s fate through thousands of years, you have to start with yourself and take responsibility for your inner state every moment. That is, now, ask yourself: "Is there negativity in me at this moment?" 

"Page 131:" There is only one evil perpetrator on the planet: human unconsciousness. The insight is true forgiveness. With forgiveness your victim identity dissolves, and your true strength turns out - the power of existence and being present in the moment of now. Instead of blaming the darkness you give out light.

"Page 155:" To recognize the good that already exists in your life is the basis of abundance.

Page 168: "Not doing resistance is the key to the universe's most powerful source."

Page 213: "Understand that your entire life journey ultimately consists of the steps you take in this moment." - And on the next page: "What the future has in store for you depends on your current state of consciousness. "

And what about this quote from an old Sufi master on page 235:" I have a hole in a flute that Christ's breath moves through. Listen to this music. 

And last - on page 240:" The humble are the egoless. They are the ones who have awakened to their essential true nature of consciousness and recognize the essence of all "other", all life forms. They live deliberately and feel that they are one with the whole and the source." 

These were the many words that you are welcome to pass on to the others in the group or anyone, if you think it is a good idea.