Emotions Emotions

Quotes by Deepak Chopra

Quotes by Deepak Chopra: Ageless body, timeless mind (Krop uden alder – Sind uden tid, Danish version.)


Page 42 top - "When a life is concentrated in the present, is the most real, because the past and the future do not collide with it. Where is the past and the future at this moment? Nowhere. Only the present moment exists; past and future are mental projections .If you can free yourself from these projections and not try to revive the past or control the future, it makes space for a whole new experience - the experience of timeless age and timeless awareness.

"Page 50 -" My body is changing as a river when the moment is changing, and if I was able to do the same, there would not be missing in my life, no memories of old traumas that could trigger new pain, no expectations about future conditions that could get me to pull myself together by fear. "Page 186 -" Like any cell reflects the total body process, each moment reflects all other moments, past, present and future. This realization is achieved when you release your need to control reality. This need is a natural reaction to the old pain and frustrations since it is the memory of old traumas that drive us to manipulate the present and anticipate the future. "

Page 191 top -" Your true home is here and now. Now is the act of activity for development and growth. "

Page 202 bottom - "Every time you experience something that penetrates these stamps into your response, which means that most of your reactions are echoes of the past. In fact you do not live in the present. But at least you react in the moment, and this is where the search for your true self begins. Your feelings are the most off-center, you have. A feeling is a thought that is associated with a bodily sensation. The idea is usually about the past or the future, but the feeling is in the moment. " And at the bottom of the same page :-" Pain in the now experienced as hurt. Pain in the past is remembered as anger. Pain in future perceived as anxiety. Unexpressed anger turned toward oneself and kept inside, called guilt. The energy shortage that occurs when anger directed introvert, creates depression.

"Page 205, ninth line -" There is no one who can hurt you today, without triggering a wound from your past. You must realize this fact in order to find yourself. "

And then there's a wise quote from Aldous Huxley on page 45 near the bottom of that well enough not directly to do with time - "Experience is not what happens to us; that's what we do with what happens to us.

Torben/translated by Kirsten