Fisical Exercize – SportFisical Exercize – Sport

Walking and waking up to spring in nature / Sastamalan Opisto

Course description by the teacher Elina Kokkoniemi

The purpose of the course was to experience the approaching summer from week to week together as a group and make our senses more acutely aware of natural environment and learn some mindfullness skills to be used in everyday life later on.

One more purpose was to get know the forest areas that can be easily visited in near-by areas, so that going to nature would be  easy for every one.

First meeting was held in class.  Spending time in natural environment has many health benefits, both physical and mental. For example the levels of stress hormones and blood pressure are being balanced just by spending time in nature regularly. Finnish people have traditionally had a strong connection to forest - it has been a place of recovery as well as a source of healthy nutrition. The young generation doesn’t necessarily have this same easy relationship with forest though, it can be seen as a scary place instead source of peace and relaxation. Anyway, going to nature can alleviate so many stress-based troubles for free. That´s why the need for this kind of experience-based forest walks is increasing. 

Group discussed favourite places in nature and the meaning of nature and forest in our day-to day life.  Some of us admitted there has been far too little time for going to nature.

Later we met every two weeks in different kind of near-by forest areas. This is where we went:

8.4  Kukkuri area, a small hill on lakeside near the city center

21.4 Otamus, a steep, short forest trail on riverside 

6.5   Pesurinkoski , a small pittoresque rapid in Tyrväänkylä

20.5 Puurijärvi-Isosuo, swamp and birdwatching area

10.6 Pirunvuori,  gathering around a fire in forest

We observed together how the spring was advancing, new plants and flowers coming to bloom every week, more birds singing each week. While our first meeting in forest on 8.4 there were still the last ice rafts crashing to shore and we listened to the sound of it. There was also a heavy wind; we became very aware of our sense of hearing. Every time we exercised some of the senses: for example in Otamus we tried what it feels like to relax the sense of sight. First we did some eye exercises and then each of us sought a pleasant view to look at.  We stayed in same place several minutes just breathing and watching.    

Part of the course was also a kind of walking meditation: slow, mindful walking together, senses open to environment but at the same time listening to inside as well: breathing, the sensation of feet on the ground, holding a good straight posture at the same time as relaxing and enjoying the simple joy of walking. This we exercised 15-20 minutes every time, and rest of the time was open to relaxed conversation as well. 

Most people experience this quiet walking as something very new to do in a group but also rewarding. There is something special in sharing the experience versus going alone to nature. Also even people who consider themselves as very talkative say that they benefit from reflective, quiet walking moments. 

During our last meeting we gathered around a fire , another traditional Finnish thing to do while in nature.  Every one picked up something in the forest which has a special meaning for them. In all the stories, the experience of beauty was in common. The pattern of a pine cone for example can be seen as very artistic in itself. 

Some of the natural areas we visited were new for participants, and many said they are planning to bring their wife, child or grandchildren to experience the same places later.

Elina Kokkoniemi

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