Emotions Emotions

Exercises for happiness

The three exercises that we are proposing are part of a real workout to happiness and the best type of workout is what you really enjoy!


Do not worry, no need to do the exercises at the same time, an hour a day to devote to the exercise you have chosen to play is more than enough to have immediate and constant.



Space to yourself 

(duration: 15 minutes)

A quiet mind is essential if you want to learn how to make room for who you really are. Martin Brofman, expert techniques to clarify, explain the link between mind and essence in this way:

When you rely on your conscience, you can decide to do something and to remain "firm intention", that is, by persevering in the action and stay focused on the purpose. For example, if you choose to sit quiet for fifteen minutes once a day, as an exercise of mental discipline and relaxation, doing nothing, you may succeed. It might seem a waste of time, but are you sure it is not. (Martin Brofman, Tea 2004 

The exercise of meditation that we offer to calm the mind is not only useful, but it does not even need special conditions to be done: just you to sit in a comfortable position, preferably with your back straight, and do not face nothing for a quarter of an hour.

For fifteen minutes you will play any activity or not you thought of any kind, just relaxed in your being.

Exist, then you are, you do not need nothing else, no mental or physical activity for fifteen minutes.

By performing this exercise consistently (no more than once a day), gradually will experience a state of relaxation that will allow you to create spontaneous inner space empty, undisturbed by the chaos and distractions, a place very close to what you really are.




Renew your bonds

(duration: 30 minutes)

In addition to a quiet mind, be happier also means cultivating healthy relationships and proposal.

Here's how the teacher Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov explains the influence of the links in people's lives:

Your present life is largely determined by the nature of the links you created during your previous existences. Yes, the difficulties and torments, as well as the satisfaction and success that you encounter now, both in your physical life is in your mental life, they come from all visible and invisible ties that you yourself have woven into the past. Knowing this, you have to show alert and pay attention to the links that are creating now ... And you have to think also to review the links that you have created in this life: try to continue and reinforce the good ones and the bad ones to break them. (Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, Daily Thoughts, Prosveta Editions)

To identify the links that you have established during this life we propose a simple visualization exercise, thanks to which you will dissolve all bonds and renew only those really significant for you. This is not to act as selfish, but to clarify also in interpersonal relationships, so that energy in a virtually endless stream of emotional twists.

In a quiet and undisturbed, sit in a comfortable position, with your back straight, close your eyes and brings attention to the breath without trying to change it.

When you feel sufficiently relaxed, starts displaying your relationships with other people as many threads that bind them. Observes the wires from your body and head in any direction. Some are thicker, some thinner, some fragile, more tenacious. More wires are numerous and it is hard to move freely

View a scissors with which you can cut one by one all the wires that hinder your movements. It may happen that some thread is particularly difficult to cut, do not be distracted by the need to sever it clearly: it is the stubborn wires that keep you from acting freely.

 If you notice that a few strands remained or grown back, do not hesitate to cut it again and continues until no more wire will limit your movements.

Now you are free from any constraint and you can decide which reports renew, these will come back as new wires to check periodically to make sure they do not become too limiting.




Your home is a mirror

You know the saying "tell me who you go and I'll tell you who you are?", Has an element of truth, as you will notice playing the SECOND EXERCISE, but for the life of every day is just a sophisticated projection of our inner reality we could also say "tell me where you live and I'll tell you who you are. "

The home is the place where we spend at least a third of our daily lives (think only of their hours of rest, about eight per day) and for many is equivalent to the safe harbor where you can return whatever happens. So it is important to reflect as much as possible what we love, and that makes us feel good.

Lucia Larese, an expert on space clearing, a discipline that helps us to restore the well-being and harmony in daily spaces, explains:

Disorderly house and overflowing with superfluous things corresponds to a confusing and inconclusive existential approach. If in the house there are only things we use and love, the home becomes an unrivaled source of support and nourishment being. A gift that we have never liked, collections left there to collect dust, outdated magazines, many different objects that do not even know why we keep most, are accumulations of things (clutter, in English) that invade our space not only physical, but also mental and emotional. (Lucia Larese, Space Clearing, Mediterranee 2011)